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This month CM Lowry is talking to author and games historian James Wallis about A Void by Georges Perec in ‘This Book I Read…’
Topics covered include:
- The excitement of creating stories within the worlds that others have designed.
- Constrained creativity, and the Oulipo literary movement.
- How games and role-play create wonderful narrative and encourage creativity.
- The challenge of books that ask a lot of the reader, yet are incredible still to refer back to – “One for your library section“.
Links to things we discussed:
- Sonic in the Fourth Dimension
- Oulipo – the French constrained writing collective
- A hundred thousand billion poems
- Hennimore’s Hoard of Haiku in the Beyond Cataclysm store
- Life: A User’s Manual by Georges Perec
- The Exeter Text by Georges Perec
- All Quiet on the Western Front/Nothing New in the West by Erich Maria Remarque
- Everyone is John RPG
- The Raven by Edgar Allan Poe
- Article discussing Auto-hit into Into The Odd by Chris Mcdowall
- Riddley Walker by Russell Hoban
- If on a Winter’s Night a Traveler by Italo Calvino
- Ocean of Stars by John Dodd
- Ludonarrative Dissidents podcast
- Bluebeard’s Bride RPG by Magpie Games
Music & Editing by CM Lowry