Coffee! Love it? Hate it? Have a vague sense of nonchalance about it?
If so, we want you! Beyond Cataclysm is undertaking an new project: ISBN COFFEE!
We are looking for written submissions:
a story about the awful hogwash your nan used to give you when you asked for a coffee.
- an account of that time you visited Damascus and got your first taste of a true Arabian brew.
- a diatribe on how much you hate the damn stuff.
- poetry, flash fiction, recipes, role play games – anything!
Then we will compile a beautiful book, to accompany our select blend from Dick’s Bean Bar.
Interested? Drop us a line on via the contact page.
In the book, expect some:
- Micro-fiction. Short prose, from several authors.
- History. A five minute history of coffee from an expert in the field.
- Art. Coffee related photography and art.
- Games! We have short RPGs and even a mini-game about running your own coffee shop, to play whilst the coffee brews.
- Poetry. Several caff and decaff poetry options!
Submission Guidelines:
- 250 word limit for poetry or recipes.
- 1000 word limit for all forms/genres of fiction, non-fictional prose & RPGs
We only accept original work. Reprints are not accepted at this time. Translated works may be accepted only with the permission of the original author. We do not accept serial or series pieces. You will have full copyright and ownership of your submission to use in other places as you see fit.
No AI submissions. If evidence of AI writing is found, you will be permanently banned from this and future BC publications.
We will NOT consider stories that promote or normalize hate of any kind, including, but not limited to racism, homophobia, sexism, transphobia, or any other form of hate. We do NOT accept erotica, sorry. Not even if the people in it are drinking coffee.
Electronic submissions only as doc. or docx. files
This is not a paying publication, currently – although our immediate stretch goal will be to pay contributors when we launch the crowd-funding campaign – (please click here to prefollow it!)
Successful contributors will receive a physical copy of the completed book along with the accompanying coffee.