Why are you called “Beyond Cataclysm”?

Ever read The Day of the Triffids, by John Wyndham? Bit of a classic. There’s a quote from it that goes like this:

“It must be, I thought, one of the race’s most persistent and comforting hallucinations to trust that “it can’t happen here” — that one’s own time and place is beyond cataclysm.”

We just love that quote. It sparks lots of thoughts, like personal character growth. Sci-fi with terrible aliens! Exploring the idea of ‘comfort’? There’s lots to play with there.

Plus, we think it sounds pretty cool on its own.


What are you looking for in a submission?

Aha, that’s a good question. Which, given that I asked it, is a bit self congratulatory. Sorry about that.

We are looking for interesting ideas, executed with passion.

Does your book/game/story/idea fit with that description? We’d love to hear from you.


Can you print my book?

Maybe. Possibly. We like to, certainly, if it’s good, and we share the same ethics. Why don’t you drop us a message and we can chat about it?


Will you stock my book or game in the Beyond Cataclysm webstore?

Quite possibly yes. The reality is that we get hundreds of emails about this every year, so feel free to drop us a message. We’d recommend you check out our stock my stuff page first…


Can you import my book or game?

If you are an international author with work printed in another country, potentially yes! Our store is full of imported printed works – drop us an email to discuss it. We are also very interested in Creative Print Partnerships where we take a cost-effective and environmentally friendly alternative approach to importing – check our page on those for more information on our process.


Can you help me fulfill my Kickstarter or crowdfunding campaign?

Yes! Check out our Crowdfunding Fulfillment page, and – drop us an email to discuss it. You may also be interested in Creative Print Partnerships where we take a cost-effective and environmentally friendly alternative approach to importing – check our page on those for more information on our process.


What do you mean ‘share the same ethics’?

We are big believers in inclusivity – be that in terms of skin colour, economic privilege, disability, gender & sexuality, addiction, the list goes on… We are also keen about our environmental responsibility, with a broad aim for carbon neutrality. Finally, and most important of all, we want to be nice to one other.

We don’t need to be prescriptive about all the above, but we also need to work with people who we can get behind one hundred percent.


What are you looking for in an author?

Beyond character, we want people with drive and passion. We are a tiny little publishing house. Tiny. So our resources of time, money and energy are limited. We will absolutely expect authors to be much more invested in publicising and fund-raising for their projects than we possibly can be.

Beyond Cataclysm will be helping you to achieve your idea – not doing it for you. Our goal is a supportive creative partnership. Plus an opportunity to eat pizza, if we can manage that.


What type of pizza do you want?

Chris: I’d love to say vegan pizza, but #mozzarellaislife, so for me it would be an Italian base with cheese, then mushroom, pineapple and jalapeños as toppings. Yes, I said pineapple.

Sarah: It’s 100% vegan pizza from me, over here, none of that cow’s milk nonsense. I’d take a proper Napoli-style stonebaked number with pine nuts, fresh basil and an oregano-loaded homemade sauce.

Dave: I’m a carcass cruncher so naturally pepperoni is my favourite pizza. I’d love the chance to eat at Unos in Chicago again, their deep-dish is amazing and ‘done properly’ with the sauce on top of the cheese and pepperoni.


Is there anything you won’t print?

Sarah: I wouldn’t print anything that I wouldn’t personally enjoy reading, or anything that diverged too widely from my own ethics. Sexism, racism, classism, homophobia and transphobia doesn’t deserve the ink.

Chris: Something that I personally find offensive would get a hard no. The team all have a few areas where we share different views – Sarah has a cat, for example, and cats suck – so there are perhaps some variations on the work we might each get involved with, but her list stands for me too. “Judge not“, and all that.

Dave: Sarah has said it – nothing that promotes hatred and fear, there is far too much of that in the world. I want to be part of projects that encourage understanding and hope. Nothing about ABBA though…


Do you ship to Cuba?

No, we are unable to ship goods to Cuba, or sell good produced in Cuba.


You haven’t answered my question here…

We like getting questions! Send us a message through the contact form and we will get back to you. Unless its about grindcore/not about grindcore (delete as appropriate).