Too much business, not enough fun

Sometimes the “business” side of writing, printing and creating can get a bit onerous. A bit not fun.

Sometimes we can lose sight of why we got into this in the first place. The original idea? We wanted to make and enjoy cool things! With cool people!

A space to clear our heads

That’s why we are organising a little trip to the mountains for people in the RPG scene.

Burnmoor Lodge is 3 miles from the nearest road. It uses gas lighting and there’s no phone signal. You get your water from the lake. There’s beds and a kitchen, but it’s old school cool.  There’s not much to do except eat biscuits, breath amazing air, look at stars. And play RPGs.

4th-7th October 2022

Come and join us for a few days in the mountains.

  • No expectations, just good games and good people.
  • Total cost: £36 per person, including (veggie and vegan friendly) food. Bring (and carry) your own beer.
  • Meet at 2pm on the 4th at The Boot Inn Pub, to walk up the hill together (around an hour). Postcode CA19 1TG
  • People travelling from London and North West, so lifts likely possible.

About the Lodge

Burnmoor Lodge is 3 miles walk from the nearest carpark, up a mild-moderate slope. Very doable in trainers although you are likely to get wet feet.

Kitchen, a bit messy due to unpacking bags
Toilet Block
Fire (Rare occasion where it stopped raining long enough)
Dining/Gaming/Maps room


Drop us an email via the contact page or hit us up on socials.
It’s not open invite exactly, and the Lodge holds a max of 10 people, but if you are nice you will likely be welcome. Inclusivity and tolerance a given.


Burnmoor Lodge is probably the best/worst place in the world to play post-apocalyptic horror RPG