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Welcome to Episode 8 of ‘What Is Roleplay?!
This episode we are joined by James D’Amato to discuss Personal Play
- An important, yet often undiscussed, topic – personal play encompasses anything in game play that you do on your own – things like world building, rolling dice to create a character, and writing character backstories.
- The realisation that roleplaying isn’t just the time we spend around a table with other people.
- ‘Play’ is something that we are encouraged to grow out of as we reach adulthood – in reality it is fun and therapeutic for adults too!
- Personal play as a good option for folks who don’t get to game with others as often as they’d like.
Links to things we discussed:
- Dungeons & Dragons
- The Traveller RPG
- We Sail Beyond
- Microscope
- Paranoia
- Spire
- In The Blue Light
- Skyjacks
- Illimat Boardgame
Books, Authors & Publishers:
- Adams Media
- The Die Decides by CM Lowry
- Rowan, Rook & Decard
- Odd Jobs: RPG Micro-settings Vol. 1 by Sasha Sienna & Jonathan Sims
- MacGuffin & Co Publishers
- Loot The Room
- Tim Clare
- The Ultimate RPG Character Backstory Guide, Expanded Genres Edition by James D’Amato
More about James
- James D’Amato Twitter – @OneShotRPG
- Find James’ book here – The Ultimate RPG Gameplay
With music generously provided by:
Powerplant & Imploders.