The Secret People


The Secret People (1935) is a science fiction novel by English writer John Wyndham. It is set in 1964, and features a British couple who find themselves held captive by an ancient race of pygmies dwelling beneath the Sahara desert. The novel was written under Wyndham’s early pen name, John Beynon.

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I love to read author’s first novels and this, “The Secret People”, is indeed John Wyndham’s first. And I have to say right off that despite it having been written so long ago it reads pretty much like a more modern novel and not like its contemporaries.

And for whatever reason he published it under the pseudonym; John Beynon. If my first novel was this good I would stick with my first published name and run with it from there on.

So, if you ever wondered what the creator of “Day of the Triffids” and “Midwich Cuckoos” first novel was like – find a copy of this, “The Secret People” and give it a go.

While reading this novel I was mostly reminded of “Journey to the Center of the Earth” by Jules Verne, so if you liked that you will like this.

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