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This month CM Lowry is talking to CJ Eggett, writer and game designer, about number9dream by David Mitchell in ‘This Book I Read…’
Topics covered include:
- The common confusion between David Mitchell the author and David Mitchell the comedian of Peep Show fame!
- Mitchell’s use of modern magical realism to sort of lull the reader into a false sense of security before tricking them.
- Using similar literary themes throughout the book to pull the reader back to central themes.
- Mitchells clever use of language to capture the imagination of the reader.
- Intertextuality – full living worlds of things and stuff that connect with each other between texts. Or objects placed with a text that connect the created world with out real world.
- The process that Mitchell works with to create as authentic an experience as possible for his settings and characters.
- CJ encourages us to hunt out number9dream and read it because, in his opinion, it’s David Mitchells best book. It’s wildly underrated, full of fun and high drama.
- Stories within stories within stories, like Russian dolls!
Links to things we discussed:
- CM Lowry’s latest Kickstarter Project Four Borg
- The Lord of the Rings Trilogy by JRR Tolkien
- Cloud Atlas by David Mitchell
- The poet Anne Carson
- The Man in the High Castle by Philip K Dick
- Making History by Stephen Fry
- House of the Spirits by Isabel Allende
- What I talk about when I talk about running by Haruki Murakami
- A Wild Sheep Chase by Haruki Murakami
- ISBN Coffee – a new book coming soon from Beyond Cataclysm
More about CJ Eggett
- @cjeggett on X (Formerly Twitter)
- Ada Press on itch.io
- The Taming of the Slugiraffe – available to purchase from us here
More about us
- CM Lowry on Twitter – @cmlowryauthor
- CM Lowry’s website – All About Chris
- Website – beyondcataclysm.co.uk
- Patreon – Patreon.com/beyondcataclysm
Music by CM Lowry. Editing by Dave Emmerson