Showing: 31 - 35 of 35 RESULTS

What Is Roleplay? – #4 Surviving… A Games Convention! Part 2

The second half of our ‘What is Roleplay?” special episode… In the concluding part, CM Lowry loses his voice, but talks to many interesting designers at the UK Games Expo to teach you how to enjoy RPG at games conventions. The hodge-podge of cool people we chatted to includes… Ben from The Party RPG Brian …

What Is Roleplay? – #3 Surviving… A Games Convention! Part 1

A special episode of ‘What is Roleplay?!  In this episode CM Lowry wanders around the UK Games Expo to pick up tips on how to enjoy RPG at (and generally survive) these massive games conventions. We chat to lots of awesome people about games, roleplay and the weird world of gaming cons, including: Chris Samson …

What Is Roleplay? – #2 DEATH!!! with CJ Eggett

This episode we are joined by CJ Eggett to discuss DEATH!!!

How the threat of death or overcoming death is the driving force in most roleplay games.
How loss, madness and other missing pieces are analogues for death

The Day of The Triffids with CM Lowry

Welcome to the very first episode of our Beyond Cataclysm podcast – ‘This Book I Read…’ This episode Dave is talking to author CM Lowry about The Day Of The Triffids by John Wyndham Topics covered include: Our parent’s bookshelves. John Wyndham Parkes Lucas Beynon Harris and his many pseudonyms. The heritage of the book …

What Is Roleplay? – #1 The Basics with CM Lowry

Welcome to the very first episode of our semi-regular Beyond Cataclysm podcast – ‘What is Roleplay?’ This episode we are joined by author CM Lowry to discuss: A very loose definition of ‘role play’ and how we’ve all done it in real life Some basic terms you’ll need to know like RPG (Role Play Game), …