What have we been up to?

Beyond Cataclysm has been…

Going to conventions.

This Winter we’ve been at Dragonmeet and Airecon! We plan to also be at Tabletop Scotland and UKGE later in the year!

Printing cool things!

We’ve also released three games! Tyrannosaur Inside, Lucky for None and Bar Fight!

Podcast podcast podcast

Our podcasts have begun a regular 2 weekly release schedule:

This Book I Read...
This Book I Read...
The Gormenghast Trilogy with Adrian Tchaikovsky
  • The Gormenghast Trilogy with Adrian Tchaikovsky

    The Gormenghast Trilogy with Adrian Tchaikovsky

    Nov 30, 2022 • 40:06

    This episode CM Lowry is talking with author Adrian Tchaikovsky about The Gormenghast Trilogy by Mervyn Peake, in the second episode of our Beyond Cataclysm podcast – ‘This Book I Read…’ Why this classic 1950s fantasy trilogy absolutely deserves a read. A discussion of the role of ruin in narrative.…

  • The Day of The Triffids with CM Lowry

    The Day of The Triffids with CM Lowry

    May 28, 2022 • 44:37

    Welcome to the very first episode of our Beyond Cataclysm podcast – ‘This Book I Read…’ This episode Dave is talking to author CM Lowry about The Day Of The Triffids by John Wyndham Topics covered include: Our parent’s bookshelves. John Wyndham Parkes Lucas Beynon Harris and his many pseudonyms.…

  • Brown Girl In The Ring with Rachel A Rosen

    Brown Girl In The Ring with Rachel A Rosen

    Jan 11, 2023 • 39:08

    This episode CM Lowry is talking with author Rachel A Rosen about Brown Girl In The Ring by Nalo Hopkinson in ‘This Book I Read…’ Topics covered include: Post-apocalyptic Toronto & Ontario. ‘White Flight’, inner city decline, ‘Donut cities’ and gentrification. The Afro-Caribbean diaspora, The Jab Jab & Roti Shops.…

  • House of Leaves with Allen Stroud

    House of Leaves with Allen Stroud

    Feb 17, 2023 • 34:30

    This episode CM Lowry is talking with author Allen Stroud about House of Leaves by Mark Danielewski in ‘This Book I Read…’ Topics covered include: Holiday reads: getting through more challenging material. Control of print format and process, colours, typefaces and orientation. Fictional videotape commentary of recordings that don’t even exist!…

  • The Girl Who Circumnavigated Fairyland in a Ship of Her Own Making with Jay Dragon

    The Girl Who Circumnavigated Fairyland in a Ship of Her Own Making with Jay Dragon

    Apr 3, 2023 • 39:07

    This episode CM Lowry is talking with author and RPG designer Jay Dragon about The Girl Who Circumnavigated Fairyland in a Ship of Her Own Making by Kat Valente in ‘This Book I Read…’ Topics covered include: Having a 50% success rate when using Stranger Things to help explain to your…

  • A Void with James Wallis

    A Void with James Wallis

    Apr 24, 2023 • 49:37

    This month CM Lowry is talking to author and games historian James Wallis about A Void by Georges Perec in ‘This Book I Read…’ Topics covered include: The excitement of creating stories within the worlds that others have designed. Constrained creativity, and the Oulipo literary movement. How games and role-play create…

  • Frankenstein with Jacob Wood

    Frankenstein with Jacob Wood

    May 12, 2023 • 33:05

    This month CM Lowry is talking to Jacob Wood, creator of Accessible Games Quarterly, about Frankenstein by Mary Shelley in ‘This Book I Read…’ Topics covered include: The challenge of looking at a book so well known – and misrepresented – in popular culture. The Beast within; making monsters vs. being…

  • This Book I Wrote... with Elizabeth Laird

    This Book I Wrote... with Elizabeth Laird

    Jul 4, 2023 • 35:45

    This month CM Lowry is talking to his childhood hero Elizabeth Laird – globetrotter, adventurer and author. They talk all about her life and how it has influenced the many books she has written in ‘This Book I Read…’ Topics covered include: Elizabeth’s 1989 children’s book, Crackers, and the important…

  • The Songlines with Baron von Michael

    The Songlines with Baron von Michael

    Aug 1, 2023 • 41:30

    This month CM Lowry is talking to Baron von Michael, author of Professor Elemental Roleplaying Games, about The Songlines by Bruce Chatwin in ‘This Book I Read…’ Topics covered include: Bruce Chatwin’s use of flippant anecdotes, quotes and stories to explore deeper themes The broken nature of this book and how…

  • The Lord of the Rings with Chris Durston

    The Lord of the Rings with Chris Durston

    Nov 14, 2023 • 38:55

    This month CM Lowry is talking to Chris Durston, author of Chronicles from the World of Guilt, about The Lord of the Rings by JRR Tolkien in ‘This Book I Read…’ Topics covered include: Being old enough to remember the internet before Wikipedia existed, writing stories on early PCs and…

What Is Roleplay?
What Is Roleplay?
What Is Roleplay? - #1 The Basics with CM Lowry
  • What Is Roleplay? - #1 The Basics with CM Lowry

    What Is Roleplay? - #1 The Basics with CM Lowry

    Mar 24, 2022 • 44:51

    Welcome to the very first episode of our semi-regular Beyond Cataclysm podcast – ‘What is Roleplay?’ This episode we are joined by author CM Lowry to discuss: A very loose definition of ‘role play’ and how we’ve all done it in real life Some basic terms you’ll need to know…

  • What Is Roleplay? – #2 DEATH!!! with CJ Eggett

    What Is Roleplay? – #2 DEATH!!! with CJ Eggett

    Jun 1, 2022 • 50:59

    This episode we are joined by CJ Eggett to discuss DEATH!!! How the threat of death or overcoming death is the driving force in most roleplay games. How loss, madness and other missing pieces are analogues for death

  • What Is Roleplay? - #3 Surviving... A Games Convention! Part 1

    What Is Roleplay? - #3 Surviving... A Games Convention! Part 1

    Sep 15, 2022 • 35:36

    A special episode of ‘What is Roleplay?!  In this episode CM Lowry wanders around the UK Games Expo to pick up tips on how to enjoy RPG at (and generally survive) these massive games conventions. We chat to lots of awesome people about games, roleplay and the weird world of…

  • What Is Roleplay? - #4 Surviving... A Games Convention! Part 2

    What Is Roleplay? - #4 Surviving... A Games Convention! Part 2

    Sep 16, 2022 • 38:40

    The second half of our ‘What is Roleplay?” special episode… In the concluding part, CM Lowry loses his voice, but talks to many interesting designers at the UK Games Expo to teach you how to enjoy RPG at games conventions. The hodge-podge of cool people we chatted to includes… Ben…

  • What Is Roleplay? - #5 One Shots with James D'Amato

    What Is Roleplay? - #5 One Shots with James D'Amato

    Jan 25, 2023 • 1:08:38

    Welcome to Episode 5 of ‘What Is Roleplay?!  This episode we are joined by James D’Amato to discuss One Shots & Campaigns We discuss RPG One Shots and Campaigns and how the contrast as well as compliment each other. We talk about the difficulties of scheduling campaign play sessions and…

  • What is Roleplay? - #6 Character Creation with Chris Bissette

    What is Roleplay? - #6 Character Creation with Chris Bissette

    Mar 5, 2023 • 52:26

    Welcome to Episode 6 of ‘What Is Roleplay?!  This episode we are joined by Chris Bissette to discuss Character Creation What actually is Character Creation? Deciding who you are going to be in a game, right? How traditional RPGs such as Dungeons & Dragons handle character creation. Randomly generating versus…

  • What is Roleplay #7 Life Paths with Marx Shepherd

    What is Roleplay #7 Life Paths with Marx Shepherd

    Apr 3, 2023 • 52:32

    Welcome to Episode 7 of ‘What Is Roleplay?!  This episode we are joined by Marx Shepherd to discuss Life Paths So, this episode was released a bit out of order… it’s not episode 3, but actually 7! It’s also worth noting that Marx no longer runs the Yes Indie’d Podcast!…

  • What is Roleplay #8 Personal Play with James D'Amato

    What is Roleplay #8 Personal Play with James D'Amato

    Apr 5, 2023 • 54:50

    Welcome to Episode 8 of ‘What Is Roleplay?!  This episode we are joined by James D’Amato to discuss Personal Play An important, yet often undiscussed, topic – personal play encompasses anything in game play that you do on your own – things like world building, rolling dice to create a…

  • What is Roleplay #9 - Chance & Probability with Cezar Capacle

    What is Roleplay #9 - Chance & Probability with Cezar Capacle

    Apr 25, 2023 • 52:08

    Welcome to Episode 9 of ‘What Is Roleplay?!  This episode we are joined by Cezar Capacle to discuss Chance & Probability Be amazed by Cezar’s amazing productivity levels – 20+ games in three years! What on earth are “Conflict Resolution Mechanics”? We explore mechanics within various games systems that make…

  • What is Roleplay #10 - Stats with Spencer Campbell

    What is Roleplay #10 - Stats with Spencer Campbell

    Jul 4, 2023 • 1:02:41

    Welcome to Episode 10 of ‘What Is Roleplay?!  This episode we are joined by Spencer Campbell to discuss Stats Laying out some of the basic types of stats that are used in roleplaying games The concept of Min/Max The good, the bad and the ugly of Stats Focusing on skills…

ISBN COFFEE coming soon…

Finally, we’ve finally got the prelaunch page for ISBN COFFEE live! Why not follow it?

Chris has been…

Listening: to the debut album from Lucias Malcolm, lead singer of Call Me Malcolm! It’s called Past, Present and Future Regrets and you can hear it on bandcamp. Emo-ey punk rock. Good stuff.

Playing: Notorious, an awesome solo bounty hunter game. Lots of fun!

Reading: Stephen King’s The Dark Tower series – first time I’ve got stuck into something of his aside from the seminal book on how to be a writer, called “On Writing” which EVERYONE should read…

Watching: The West Wing. Again. I’m not a big TV person, but this is my second time through the classic early 00s political drama series. My only issue with it is that it makes you believe more deeply and hopefully in politics than is sensible…

Working: Nearly got Operation S.A.N.T.A. finished! Check out a sample page on the right…


Create Disturbance In Your Mind coverDave has been…

Listening: copious amounts of Pop Punk, specifically MxPx – The Everpassing Moment & Alkaline Trio – From Here to Infirmary

Playing: Enlightened, a new rules light OSR game he is helping develop

Reading: Create Disturbance in your Mind, a companion book to the Midnight Mines album of the same name with lyrics and awesome illustrations

Watching: Willow, the new fantasy series inspired by the 1988 movie. I watched the film WAY too many times as a kid and may have named one of my kids after it, so watching the new series with him is way cool.

Working: He has also been working on a new Visions Zine that will be in our webstore soon!


Remember, follow us on twitter for more updates at @beyondcataclysm!

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