Gradient Descent (Mothership Module)


For use with the Mothership® Sci-Fi Horror RPG

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Gradient Descent is a sci-fi horror megadungeon set in an abandoned android factory controlled by a powerful rogue AI known as “MONARCH.” Built from the ground up for the Mothership® sci-fi horror roleplaying game.

Written by Luke Gearing (Fever Swamp, Acid Death Fantasy) and illustrated by RPG newcomer, Nick Tofani, it includes:

  • The CLOUDBANK Synthetics Production Facility, AKA “The Deep,” a 12 level, 200+ room megadungeon. Clean layout with an eye towards usability at the table, the Deep is one of the easiest to reference and run megadungeons on the market.
  • The Bell, a small scavenged camp orbitting the Deep, where your players can rest and recuperate from adventuring. Contains a small crew of NPCs with their own unique rumors and agendas.
  • A d100 table of powerful Artifacts created by Monarch, each with their own unique effects and potential hazards.
  • Campaign ready! A section on Fallout gives guidance on the potential short and long term consequences your players may face as a result of their actions in The Deep.
  • One shot accessible: Quick tips and tables make it easy to run a 1-3 hour “dive” into The Deep for a single night’s play.
  • Supports different playstyles: Everything in the Deep wants something and can be reckoned or bartered or negotiated with. Great for Faction play, social roleplayers, or players who just want a difficult series of combat encounters.
  • A unique new condition called “The Bends” that will have your players questioning whether they are human.

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Weight 0.5 kg


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