Earth: After Death


A deep, intricately made and advanced RPG, about surviving in an exploring a post-apocalyptic Earth, Cripplingly inspired by Mad Max, Heavy Metal, I Am Legend, Fallout and more!

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Earth, A.D. is a post-apocalyptic tabletop roleplaying game (TTRPG) inspired by some of the most influential games and post-apocalyptic media of the 20th and 21st centuries. Combined with influence from such legendary games such as AD&D, Gamma World, Fallout, Wasteland, the Metro series, and countless other movies and TV shows, Earth, A.D. is creating a playing field like never before.

Boasting deep and crunchy mechanics reminiscent of the golden age of 90s TTRPGs, Earth, A.D. focuses on OSR-style gaming, dungeon and hex crawling, fast-paced combat, high lethality, and a unique and fascinating setting to explore.

There’s plenty to do: kill mutants, explore ancient ruins, get lethal radiation poisoning, find a gun that has infinite ammunition, use psionic powers to blow up peoples heads, replace your legs with tank treads, and more!

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Weight 0.5 kg


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