A Starborn Resistance: Orbital Blues Adventure


A Starborn Resistance is a collection of NPCs, character creation tools and adventures hooks that create a hub-world for your Interstellar Outlaws to visit between adventures.

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The Varis X-0 Project has failed. The Scintilla Station, the old jewel of the Wings of Valor Confederacy, is all that remains of this abandoned colony. All stars lose their shine. The Central Commune now runs the station, and it is a place for Interstellar Outlaws together away from the corporate held stations, and a steady source of work.

The book contains 5 new Blues to make origins for characters from the Scintilla Station, a series of NPCs to act as friends, rivals and employers, and a hub world location bristling with encounters and drama. Written by Sinta Posadas and illustrated by Orbital Blues co-creator Josh Clark, A Starborn Resistance is an adventure for Orbital Blues, a sad space western about Interstellar Outlaws trying to make ends meet in the corporate dominated dustbowl of the Frontier Galaxy.

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Weight 0.5 kg


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