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What is Roleplay #17: Teaching Games with Aviv Or & Eran Aviram

Welcome to Episode 17 of ‘What Is Roleplay?!  This episode we are joined by Aviv Or and Eran Aviram to discuss teaching games Aviv & Eran’s work ‘The Crystal Heart’ and how it uniquely teaches readers to roleplay, specifically to play the Savage Worlds RPG Their use of narrative to explain how to play, based …

What is Roleplay #10 – Stats with Spencer Campbell

Welcome to Episode 10 of ‘What Is Roleplay?!  This episode we are joined by Spencer Campbell to discuss Stats Laying out some of the basic types of stats that are used in roleplaying games The concept of Min/Max The good, the bad and the ugly of Stats Focusing on skills and approaches rather than just …

What is Roleplay #9 – Chance & Probability with Cezar Capacle

Welcome to Episode 9 of ‘What Is Roleplay?!  This episode we are joined by Cezar Capacle to discuss Chance & Probability Be amazed by Cezar’s amazing productivity levels – 20+ games in three years! What on earth are “Conflict Resolution Mechanics”? We explore mechanics within various games systems that make good use of chance and …